
Game Concept vs Final Build:

Game concept had lots of features like:

- Power ups were going to drop from enemies.

- Player sprite concept was different.

- Tile sprite sheets were fairly basic.

Most of the concepts were unable to be include in the final build due to time management issues or concepts were built upon and improved. The concept still follows the same treatment, audience and genres. 

  • In my concept, I was originally going have only one type of lazer the player shoots, in the final build the player shoots multiple lazer colours. 
  • After finding the spritesheets I was using for the enemy, I planned on having the level colour match the colour of the enemy. In the final build the enemy is all one colour (green), levels still remain different colours. This would've been possible however there were other parts of the game that took priority.
  • My player sprite concept was completely different to what it is in the final build. The concept sprite was made by a friend and was unable to get the spritesheet made for it in time. The current sprite matches the theme of the enemy (made by the same person) and has some differences between it and the enemy sprites.

Feedback given during Testing Session:

Some of the feedback given during the testing session was worked on and some improve came from the session.

- Player taking damage is now working.

- Player collider has been changed, making it easier to move through each level.

- Movement speed has been slowed slightly, now roughly the same speed as the enemy.

- Neon was added to the menu buttons and background. (Background doesn't work in the WebGL build)

Assets List:

Font - Used in the various menus.

Enemy Sprites - By AntumDeluge - Only the green enemy spritesheet has been used, the rest were not implemented.

Player Sprite - By AntumDeluge - Slightly modified but is the player sprite.

Video background played on menus - Edited with a enemy shooting lazers in the background.  Played on the menus. (Doesn't work in WebGL build)


Neon Play in browser
Oct 16, 2020

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