Neon Frenzy - Enemies/Interactions/Puzzles

This weeks checkpoint (Week 9) was about having the player interacting with objects or doing puzzles and implementing enemies. This checkpoint was the largest yet for having at least the basic requirements for this checkpoint ready for presentation.


The build this week was just one level rather than two compare to last week, this was only for presentation purposes and there will still be multiple levels in the game.


Two types of enemies were implemented this week and they will be the only two types to avoid complexity.

Standard Bot enemy:

A robot which hovers around, the colour associated with the robot matches the colour scheme of each level (not in the case of this weeks build). Currently the standard bot is animated and has a wandering script attached to it, it will wander randomly and at this point in time has no interaction purpose with the player. For the future builds, the standard bot will wander until player comes into the radius of the bot and will track the player.

"Space Bot Reword" by AntumDeluge licensed Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) version 3.0
Spawner Bot enemy:

A small hovering robot, does not move however it will spawn the standard bot enemies assuming there is not too many already (not implemented in this build). The spawner bot has a "hover" animation and again its colour will match the level colour scheme. It was not included in this build however the purpose of this enemy will be to spawn the regular bots as long as there aren't already too many of them spawned and the spawner bot is still "alive".


For puzzles, I did not want to do anything too complex as the game is not about puzzles. The level presented this week had buttons and doors around the level. The idea is to get the player to stand on the buttons and a door will open, some doors have one button connected to them and others have two. These are strategically placed within the level so the player does not skip any rooms and or enemies. 


The feedback I got for this week was positive, there were some compliments on my objects in the scene and my puzzles tile sprites changing color when on/off. 

Included that feedback was an idea about having the player actually pickup items throughout the level. The plan is to do just that, aside from the main collectable in every level, upgrades will ideally be picked up by the player. This was planned however did not make it into this weeks build.

Next Week:

Next week (Week 10) is the checkpoint for Presentation and Graphics. This will be about finishing animations and implementing sprites so placeholders will no longer be needed. 

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Sep 16, 2020

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